Monday 13 May 2013

CCS Track Team Update

Congratulations to all members of the track team for a good season.  Athletes have been selected if they are to continue practicing at after school practices.  If you are curious about the CISVA Schedule I have summarized it below.

CCS “Selected” Track and Field Athletes will be training for the upcoming CISVA track meet on the following dates.  Specific events have not yet been assigned for the meet and we will need to have full attendance in order to properly place students.  Not all students still practicing will receive events!
Tuesday, May 21st at CCS 3-4:15pm – Relay Teams and Field Events Focus
Wednesday, May 22nd at Holy Cross High School 9-10:30 Distance, Relay and Medley Teams ONLY
Thursday, May 23rd at CCS 3-4:15pm – Relay Teams and Field Events Focus
Tuesday, May 28th at CCS 3-4:15pm – Final preparations for the Track Meet on Wednesday, May 29th

CISVA Day One Running Events:  (Wednesday, May 29th)  ARRIVE 45MINS EARLY FOR YOUR EVENTS!
800m (@8:45)       60m (@11:30)       200m (@12:00)       4x100m (@12:45)       100m (@3:45) 

CISVA Day Two Running Events:  (Wednesday, June 5th) ARRIVE 45MINS EARLY FOR YOUR EVENTS!
1500m (@8:45)      400m (@11:15)      100m (@12:00)      60m (@12:30)      200m (@1pm)     
Medley Relays (@1:45)           4x100m Relays (@3pm)

Please do all things possible to attend these practices as it is imperative that we practice as a team before the big meet!  Contact Mr. K for more information.
Field Events Day 1 (Wednesday, May 29th)
Gr. 3 8 year old Boys (2004) Long Jump
Gr. 3 8 year old Girls (2004) Long Jump
Gr. 4 9 year old Boys (2003) High Jump
Gr. 4 9 year old Girls (2003) High Jump
Gr. 6 11 year old Boys (2001) Shot Put
Gr. 7 12 year old Boys (2000) Discus
13 year old Boys Discus*
Gr. 5 10 yr old Boys (2002) Long Jump
Gr. 5 10 yr old Girls (2002) Long Jump
Gr. 6 11 year old Girls (2001) Shot Put
Gr. 6 11 year old Boys (2001) Discus
Gr. 7 12 year old Boys (2000) High Jump
13 year old Boys High Jump*
Gr. 7 12 year old Girls (2000) High Jump
13 year old Girls High Jump*
Gr. 4 9 year old Boys (2003) Shot Put
Gr. 5 10 year old Boys (2002) High Jump
Gr. 5 10 year old Girls (2002) High Jump
Gr. 5 10 year old Boys (2002) Discus
Gr. 6 11 year old Boys (2001) Long Jump
Gr. 6 11 year old Girls (2001) Long Jump
Gr. 7 12 yr old Girls (2000) Shot Put
13 yr old Girls Shot Put*
Field Events Day 2 (Wednesday, June 5th)
Gr. 5 10 year old Girls (2002) Shot Put
Gr. 6 11 year old Boys (2001) High Jump
Gr. 6 11 year old Girls (2001) Discus
Gr. 7 12 year old Boys (2000) Long Jump
13 year old Boy Long Jump*
Gr. 7 12 year old Girls (2000) Long Jump
13 year old Girls Long Jump*
Gr. 4 9 year old Boys (2003) Long Jump
Gr. 4 9 year old Girls (2003) Long Jump
Gr. 5 10 year old Boys (2002) Shot Put
Gr. 6 11 year old Girls (2001) High Jump
Gr. 5 10 year old Girls (2002) Discus
Gr. 4 9 year old Girls (2003) Shot Put
Gr. 7 12 year old Girls (2000) Discus
13 year old Girls Discus*
Gr. 7 12 year old Boys (2000) Shot Put
13 year old Boys Shot Put*