Thursday 1 March 2018

Final Four Basketball Championships for Gr 6 and 7 girls tomorrow

After a season of hard work and discipline CCS has the grade 6 and 7 girl basketball teams in the final four tournament tomorrow at the Richmond Oval. We are so proud of your dedication and wish you to play your team's best basketball tomorrow.  Hard! Smart! Together! GO CCS!!! 

The Grade 7 Girls Basketball Team will be playing the following PLAYOFF game:

Final Four Playoff Game (Semi-Finals and Finals) is…
 Friday, March 2nd @ Richmond Oval 6111 River Rd

Start time for the game is 10:45am and 1:45pm.  Depart at 9am. 

The Grade 6 Girls Basketball Team will be playing the following PLAYOFF game:

Final Four Playoff Game (Semi-Finals and Finals) is…
 Friday, March 2nd @ Richmond Oval 6111 River Rd

Start time for the game is 9:30am and 12:30pm.  Depart at 8am.