Friday, 26 February 2016

Soccer Girls in Grades 5/6/7! Practices begin next week!

The soccer season is approaching fast.  Practices have been posted on the school calendar.  The confirmed practices (both Grade 5 and 6/7 teams) so far are (INDOOR CCS GYM) Monday, Feb 29th, (CAP) Monday, March 21st, and (CAP) Tuesday, March 22nd.  Practices on these days will run from 3-4:30pm.  (CAP=Cloverdale Athletic Park… students will need to arrange their own rides to these practices.)

Our 6/7 girls team will practice also on TuesdaysMarch 29th, April 5th, 12th and 19th 3-4:30pm at CAP.  The final tournaments are April 25 (Gr 5 girls) and for April 26 (Gr 6/7 girls) during the day.  All games will be posted on the school calendar with the practices when they become available.  Also, permission slips will go out then.  For now please return this athletic contract to be put on the team list.  Contact Mr. Klaponski for more information at        

Thursday, 25 February 2016

Congrats Grade 6 and 7 Girls Basketball!!! Final 8 Tournament Bound

It is always special when our teams work so hard and achieve a sought after goal.  This year both of our grade 6 and 7 girl teams are in the top 8 teams in the entire CISVA system.  There are over 32 schools with basketball teams.  Congratulations to you all and your coaches!