Thursday, 29 August 2013

Soccer, Volleyball and cross country practices begin the week of Sept 9th

Volleyball Girls' coaches -Miss Kranabetter (Gr 5), Ms Paraiso/Coach Nicole (Gr 6), Mr. Walters (Gr 7)

Soccer Boys' coaches - Mr. Klaponski (Gr 4/5), Miss Losito and Coach Tara (Gr 6/7)

Cross Country coaches (Grades 2 to 7) - Miss DaCruz and Mr. Klaponski


Equipment is essential to the safety of all players and students will not be permitted to play without proper athletic footwear and knee pads/shin guards. If you are unable to attend a team practice or game coaches must be informed as soon as possible and in person or an athlete will be demonstrating poor commitment.

Welcome back CCS

Boy am I glad to be back getting ready for a new year.  There are so many reasons to be excited about coming back to CCS and in PE and Athletics we are preparing for another fun and interesting year.  Last year we learned three new or unfamiliar sports... cricket, floorball, and gaelic football.  In addition we had a great flag football tournament and our second annual grade 2-4 Mini Track Meet.

But now back to this year.  If you are just reading this for the first time and want to know how you can support CCS PE and Athletics please contact Mr. Klaponski and he would be happy to involve you in our programs.  Everyone who may be considering volunteering as a driver for off campus events and games should get their Criminal Record Check so they can take other children who do not have a ride.  This is the only way you can get the service hours for driving to games.

If you needed a reminder, some areas that require volunteers are...
Sept - gr 5-7 Volleyball and gr 4-7 Soccer coaches, gr 2-7 Cross-Country driving, field + lawn maintenance
October - mini hoopers basketball supervision (year long on fridays), soccer and vball referees
Nov - Jan - basketball coaches and refs, cup stacking tournament director, skating supervision

Feb - Tournament Concession Volunteers
March - gr 4-7girls soccer coaches and drivers
April - track meet timers and field workers (fun times in the sun), drivers
May - CCS concession volunteers
June - Fun Day,
Please contact Mr. Klaponski if you are interested... Anytime!  He will keep you in mind for when the time comes.  It is best for our school if help is given where and when it is needed plus you'll be able to get those family service hours checked off easily.